I am frequently asked why it is that keep harping on about living a vegan life. To express the following in a short sentence seems to be impossible. To simply respond "Because I want to live a long time" generally gets the retort, "Well don't we all?". To go deeper into the subject often arouses either anger or boredom.
The following is taken from this web site, but I often update it, so felt it worthwhile putting it up as a blog.
I would welcome any reasons for becoming a vegan or for not becoming a vegan, that are not shown below. And I would welcome any challenge to the reasons given.
Reasons for becoming Vegan
Reasons for not becoming a vegan
The following is taken from this web site, but I often update it, so felt it worthwhile putting it up as a blog.
I would welcome any reasons for becoming a vegan or for not becoming a vegan, that are not shown below. And I would welcome any challenge to the reasons given.
Reasons for becoming Vegan
- You live a long time.
- You join the majority; more than 75% of the world’s population are vegans.
- You avoid or reverse chronic diseases, (as scientifically proven) such as cancer, cardio-vascular degeneration, weakened bones, diabetes, dementia, many food allergies and other life restricting ailments.
- You are more than 40% less likely to get cancer.
- You will live, on average, more than 10 years longer than your meat eating friends.
- You become more active and alert.
- You never feel bloated after a meal.
- You never feel hungry.
- You change your weight, you eliminate your obesity.
- You save a huge number of dollars.
- You reduce your dependence on pharmaceutical products.
- You discover exciting new flavours and tastes.
- You reduce your environmental footprint more than any other single activity.
- Despite living longer, you save your country, your insurer or your family from some of the major expenses of old age.
- Your ancestors developed, to your present high performance level, through eating starches, not, as many erroneous advocates would have us believe, from eating meat.
- You eliminate fatty/oily deposits on plates and kitchen surroundings - minimizing detergent usage.
- You will not get food poisoning.
- You avoid bacterial contamination of cutting boards.
- There is every likelihood that you will die of old age
- You will never die from veganism.
Reasons for not becoming a vegan
- You don’t believe the science proving the association between animal proteins and heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
- You have weighed up the risks versus rewards and believe that the pleasures of meat eating is worth the risks, even if you die at least ten years earlier of an agonising condition.
- You don’t want to consider the huge impact on the environment created by the production and consumption of meat and milk.
- You have not considered what the world would look like if everyone ate meat.
- You don’t want to change the status quo.
- You like eating animal fats and proteins.
- You worry what the farmers will do, if their income from meat and milk is reduced.