Everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.
A collection of thoughts and recipes for healthy living, prepared for my family and others who may be interested.
We all want to live, so we look for heaven on earth.
Indulging in our pleasures is the nearest many of us get to heaven, and food is a real pleasure. However, having dined on heavenly food, we then have to turn to the pharma-medical organisations for the remission of our sins.
They offer placebos and stabilisers; they generally cannot offer a cure for chronic diseases, (compared to their success in treating conditions of trauma), so we die early and expensively.
There is valuable scientific proof that the much promoted western diet is a killer; valuable because there are few remaining opportunities to compare illness between societies traditionally eating abundant plant based diets with those eating western influenced carnivorous and processed food. However scientific studies have been made; their results are indisputable and persuasive. We don’t have to die from one of the many diseases we so fear.
There is no question that a plant based diet is more health-giving than any alternative, but sadly there is little money to be made from singing its praises - so no promotional funding.
Resisting the deluge of spin put out by those industries whose very existence depends upon us ingesting what they profitably produce or prescribe, is very difficult. However the number choosing to reject animal products in their food is rising inexorably.
This pamphlet, which will continue to be a work in progress, is prepared for my children and others so I can share the excitement and value of living on a plant-based, whole-food diet.
The effects on Barbie and me are startling. In the first year and half we lost 18% of our body weight. Now 5 years on we retain the same weight, we are fitter, healthier, saving money and warding off all the feared aging diseases whilst dramatically lowering our ecological footprint. Our blood pressure and cholesterol levels have dropped by amounts regarded as being beyond what is possible without resorting to medical assistance.
I strongly recommend that you consider your alternatives and start living a plant based whole food life style.
Wishing you decades of good health.
James Wilson
j[email protected]
Indulging in our pleasures is the nearest many of us get to heaven, and food is a real pleasure. However, having dined on heavenly food, we then have to turn to the pharma-medical organisations for the remission of our sins.
They offer placebos and stabilisers; they generally cannot offer a cure for chronic diseases, (compared to their success in treating conditions of trauma), so we die early and expensively.
There is valuable scientific proof that the much promoted western diet is a killer; valuable because there are few remaining opportunities to compare illness between societies traditionally eating abundant plant based diets with those eating western influenced carnivorous and processed food. However scientific studies have been made; their results are indisputable and persuasive. We don’t have to die from one of the many diseases we so fear.
There is no question that a plant based diet is more health-giving than any alternative, but sadly there is little money to be made from singing its praises - so no promotional funding.
Resisting the deluge of spin put out by those industries whose very existence depends upon us ingesting what they profitably produce or prescribe, is very difficult. However the number choosing to reject animal products in their food is rising inexorably.
This pamphlet, which will continue to be a work in progress, is prepared for my children and others so I can share the excitement and value of living on a plant-based, whole-food diet.
The effects on Barbie and me are startling. In the first year and half we lost 18% of our body weight. Now 5 years on we retain the same weight, we are fitter, healthier, saving money and warding off all the feared aging diseases whilst dramatically lowering our ecological footprint. Our blood pressure and cholesterol levels have dropped by amounts regarded as being beyond what is possible without resorting to medical assistance.
I strongly recommend that you consider your alternatives and start living a plant based whole food life style.
Wishing you decades of good health.
James Wilson
j[email protected]