I know that the plant based whole food way of life seems to be full of admonitions to avoiding certain foods, but the list of forbidden food is short, foods that are processed or contain animal protein.
Once we accept that there are thousands of foods and flavours that fall outside of processed and animal, and acknowledge that they are delicious and most important they are life giving, the small deprivation is nothing in the whole scheme of things.
Watch this very short video to see what eggs do to us.
Having watched it imagine the two alternative life paths that are available to us all. One, a path with the certain fear of succumbing to a disease or disability; the other with a comfortable understanding that good health will prevail, without recourse to pills or potionts.
Once we accept that there are thousands of foods and flavours that fall outside of processed and animal, and acknowledge that they are delicious and most important they are life giving, the small deprivation is nothing in the whole scheme of things.
Watch this very short video to see what eggs do to us.
Having watched it imagine the two alternative life paths that are available to us all. One, a path with the certain fear of succumbing to a disease or disability; the other with a comfortable understanding that good health will prevail, without recourse to pills or potionts.